This is a safe place for you to see your true self in the rubble left by your season of struggle, establish boundaries, and build a foundation for a grounded, hopeful future.

After crisis, upheaval, and what feels like endless chaos—

you have the opportunity to rebuild.

I offer trauma-informed coaching, speaking, and workshops so that you and your group can rebuild, together.

  • Sybil has a listening ear and shares such wisdom + encouragement. I always feel welcome and at ease with each of our conversations.

    Christy K.

  • The [trauma-informed faith] workshop was really beneficial. Sybil lifts the layers of a person’s sinful behavior and destructive choices to help us see the trauma, the brokenness and pain that lie beneath.

    Debbie S.

Let’s work together

for individuals


Start your unique rebuilding journey with Sybil. Choose from 3 sessions or 6 sessions.


Learn to see and support those in the church who are rebuilding from trauma. For individuals, in a group learning virtual setting.

for groups


Build a biblical plan of care into your church or organization’s core, from theology to action. 


Context-specific messages on self-growth, rebuilding after suffering, biblical connection, trauma awareness, and more.

hi, i’m sybil

I'll be your guide as you rebuild.

I’m no stranger to the upheaval that comes with crisis. And just as I’m confident we’ve all experienced hard things, I’m confident that the opportunity to rebuild is always available.

I want to guide you through your journey of restoration, helping you see who you truly are so that you can be equipped to make real change in your life.

Are you ready? Let’s build.

you’ve experienced...

…a season of struggle—a shaking of faith, the press of grief, the impact of trauma.

But your story doesn’t have to end there. You were not built for a life of overwhelm and dissatisfaction. Together, we’ll clear the debris of your past and construct a new foundation you can build your life upon.